Denver sign company

Buying signs is a great idea if you’re selling stuff at a farmer’s market. Whether you sell a lot of produce, or you just have a few vegetables and herbs that you bring to the market on a regular basis, it’s important to make sure your signs are not only visible and easy to read, but also enticing and attractive.

First, you have to consider the coloring and the fact that your signs should be professionally made. Sure, it can be easy to just paint a price or write down the name of a certain herb using a permanent marker on a piece of cardboard. However, aside from the fact that this approach is not professional, it’s also a bland and unattractive one.

If you have a business and you’re selling at the farmer’s market on a regular basis, make sure even basic signs showing your prices or used to label your vegetables will have your business’ logo on them. Also, it’s a good idea to set up at least a couple of large signs that actually promote your business and contact information.

Designers who work for The Visual Edge Signs & Design suggest using high contrast graphics and colors. Red on white tends to get a lot of attention, but you can also choose colors that complement your herbs, fruit and veggies. For example, white or yellow on a dark surface can work well to complement a darker hue of green or the dark tones of vegetables such as eggplant or sweet potatoes.